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Member Resources


From time to time, the Friends publish a newsletter, summarising events and activities, often highlighting the lives of those buried at Woodbury, and focusing on issues relevant to the membership and to the wider community.  Below you can read each edition.


Annual Reports

Every year, the Executive Committee reports to the membership.  Below, you can access the reports published for the past few years.


Gardeners Reports

The Gardening Team (who always welcome new recruits!) meet on Saturday mornings (and at other times as well when they can) throughout the seasons and whatever the weather, to keep the cemetery and its graves as beautiful as possible. Every year, the Committee produces a Gardening Report, detailing our activity and achievements during the year. You can read our recent reports below.


Useful Links

Click on the button below for local and national websites that may be of interest to visitors to our own website. If you would like to suggest additions to this list, please email us.

Contact Us

If you're still looking for something else, please contact us

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